Broomieknowe Golf Club
Captain’s Report
JUNE 2024

The Course
Since my last report, the weather has been much kinder and, due to the hard graft from the Greens Team and Volunteers, the course has been presented in great condition. In particular, the greens are as fast and true as I have ever seen them and apparently are running consistently at 10 on the stimp-meter. Even my putting improves on greens like this!
As ever, June is an incredibly busy month due to the Club Championships. With so many different categories competed for, the organisation in preparation for the event is huge so a big thanks to John McMillan and Mark Patchett. Championship week itself went smoothly and the weather, although cold, was kind to us with no delays or suspensions to play. Thanks to all who helped by refereeing matches and starting the matches. We are grateful to those who come out in support of the event, some supporting family and others simply out to enjoy some of the great golfing skills on display. I must admit to being a little disappointed in the numbers of spectators this year, particularly in the early stages of the competitions so I would encourage members to support the event in 2025.
Anyone, member, guest or visitor who has played or competed this month will have appreciated the course at it’s very best. There have been many complements with some having the opinion that Broomieknowe is either amongst the best or even the best course in Midlothian.
Looking ahead a little to the 4th of July, can I remind the male members that they will not have access to their locker room that day, due to the accommodation being required for 128 ladies competing in the Morison Millar. Apologies for any inconvenience and we appreciate your support.
The Greenkeeper’s Compound and Accommodation
The renovation of the Greenkeeper’s accommodation is now complete, and the staff will enjoy a massive improvement to their facilities. The rooms will be warm and dry with a new shower room and drying facilities available. Again, we are very grateful to Neil Reid and Kevin Armitage for securing grants in excess of £20k to enable a full renovation and to Neil for managing this tricky refurbishment project.
Members. Guests and Visitors Responsibilities
It is incumbent upon all of us to make the effort to maintain the course in its current great condition. It was disappointing therefore to receive a report of five pitch marks on the first green on the morning of Monday 24th June. Please take the time to repair your own or another mark that you find and, if you are unable to bend, ask one of your playing partners to repair it for you. With regard to bunkers, please rake them properly and repair your divots at all times. It is frustrating to find your ball lying poorly due to lack of consideration from other players.
I would like to draw members’ attention to the Broomieknowe Policy Documents that are available to all via the Website and ClubV1. These policies cover most aspects of play on our course and expected behaviour off the course and should be given your attention. For example, Broomieknowe does not belong in what many would consider the ‘dark ages’ with regard to dress on the course. However, it is not acceptable to play with a pair of flimsy gym shorts and a baggy t-shirt with a large commercial logo on the back. It is not necessary to invest heavily in branded golf clothing with most supermarkets having decent sports clothing available at moderate cost. All players are expected to check in with the professional before play and will not be allowed access to the course if improperly dressed. We rely on personal integrity when Mark or his colleagues are not in the professional’s shop.
Our Neighbours and their Safety
We must, again, mention the safety of our neighbours to the right of the 4th fairway. Over the past six weeks, nine balls in two gardens have been reported directly to me. Please report wayward shots after your round and consider, carefully, the best way to manage this hole.
Captain’s Charity Fundraising
As you know, the Captain’s Charity for 2024 is Crohn’s and Colitis UK. The obvious fundraising activity right now is the ‘Penalty Bunker’ on the 18th hole. Thanks to all who have contributed their 50p, but I am acutely aware that many of us are not carrying cash these days and that this might well have a negative impact on this fundraising venture. Kevin will be working with me to set up a facility on the bar tills to allow you to pay electronically and I will let you know when this is active.
There are other fundraisers in the pipeline, the first of which is likely to be a ‘silent auction’. I have worked hard on my charm offensive and have procured a (very) large number of fourball vouchers from across Scotland that will form the backbone of the auction. However, if any member has goods or services they would like to donate in support, the auction can have more variety and may be more attractive to the wider membership. I would be most grateful for your support for a charity doing exceptional work on behalf of individuals living with these conditions.
Thanks to Paul and James for the photographs. Thanks to all members for your support, pray for some great weather and even greater golf. Who knows, my handicap may not go up again next time I play – needs a miracle!
Alison Scott (Captain)